Kevin Watkins, better known by his stage name "K-Dubb", is a longtime Northern California purist in every sense. Born in San Jose and raised in Sacramento, he was vacuumed into the underground electronic music scene in the mid-90s when his ears were blessed for the first time by the sounds of San Francisco's beautiful, deep, soulful house groove. Influenced most by the likes of Miguel Migs, Fred Everything, and Inland Knights, and by labels such as Om, Panhandle, Naked, and Salted, he found his sound and began earning his stripes at large events across the Bay Area, handing the decks off to major acts such as Derrick Carter, Mark Farina, and many others.
Of late, his name has been seen on flyers all over Northern California's premier events like Family Groove, Henotic, and Saucy. He had the unique privilege of performing at San Francisco's legendary venue EndUp, and recently returned from Ibiza, Spain, where he jammed tunes at the world-renowned Cee Cee as well as the fabled Rio. Tune in to K-Dubb and find his rhythm... It'll speak to your soul in the way only house music can.
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